Ampfactor Design
Update: After a while, the new update ended stucking on Rendering from time to time
Hello everyone,
We've released a new version on Adobe Exchange. Please update to the latest version and let us know If you're still coming across this issue: https://exchange.adobe.com/creativecloud.details.103642.lottiefiles-for-after-effects.html
Ampfactor Design
haris: Thanks Haris. This seems to be working. I'll continue testing it and will update you if some issue appears.
Ampfactor Design
Though, this seems to have some issue in the UI. The settings gear icon hide behind the render arrow.
Karin Fam
Ampfactor Design: Thanks for reporting back! Would you mind sharing a full screenshot, so we can try replicating this and start working on a fix for it? Your screen size/resolution would be helpful information too :)
Ampfactor Design
Karin Fam: Hello Karin, thanks for getting back to me.
Well, it's just docked in a side panel. The screen resolution is 1920*1080
owais uddin
I have faced the same issue at this moment. Please help what's the actual solution to this problem. thanks
won't render in AE 22
Ian Rogers
I've got the same problem.
under review
Ayush Gupta We're looking into this, and some users has mentioned that they're able to resolve it by using AE-2021. Alternatively, you can use the old version of the Plugin available on https://lottiefiles.com/plugins/after-effects
Lisa Mulrooney
haris: I only see one version of the plug in. I tried the previous AE version and still no luck. Even downloading the free animations won't work in the Lottie preview player.
Jerrad - FB Parsons
Lisa Mulrooney: lisa you have uninstall via adobe exchange and then use the ZXP version to basically downgrade to 1.0. This got my animations back up and running on a m1 mac, and my intel based mac
Jerrad - FB Parsons: How do you uninstall via Adobe Exchange? And do you uninstall AE or lottiefiles extension?