I love lottiefiles and I am a happy subscriber since months. But creating own json through aftereffects, hosting the bigger files on another CDN (to reduce webflow's) bandwitdth is also easy when it comes for just an easy implementation through code / and script. But animating it is kinda complex and time consuming to achive instead of using Webflows integrated interaction feature - for example to easy preview the animation through lottiefiles animation webflow element and control its animation while scrolling for example. I tested everything possible for the last 10 days - it didnt let me upload my json (in which the cdn hosted images are referred - to reduce the size of the json as much as possible) and get it running (the preview in webflow assets even worked out perfectly). I guess its an webflow issue.
But all that would be prevented if webflow animation element of Lottiefilesanimation could not ONLY allow to replace the standard animation with a json or lottiefile asset - it should be also be allowed to insert a CDN hosted link with a json. I hope you guys understood what i meant :). Feel free to ask questions to clarify.