Lottie Files Causing Increase in Google Recaptcha Errors
Molly Gilbert
Hey team, Atlassian dev here. I recently tested a lottie animation beside a google recaptcha protected form, and we have reason to believe that the lottie animations caused an increase (roughly 25%) of google recaptcha errors. The result of this is now we are unable to use Lottie files on any page that also has a google recaptcha protected form. Is this a known issue?
Haleeza Hadzis
Hi Molly Gilbert
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you provide more details to help us understand and reproduce the problem:
- Are you testing this on a specific browser or device, or does it occur across all platforms?
- Could you share any sample Lottie animation?
- Are you using any specific Lottie library version or custom renderer settings?
- Which version of Google reCAPTCHA are you using? Are there any specific reCAPTCHA configurations or callbacks in use?
- Have you tried disabling the Lottie animations temporarily to confirm if they’re directly causing the issue?
If you could share any website to reproduce the issue, that would be helpful.
Once we have more information, we can better assist in identifying the root cause and potential solutions.
Thank you!
Molly Gilbert
Haleeza Hadzis I can answer some of your questions (not all):
- We primarily did testing in chrome & incognito and were able to see the issue, but our users were in a variety of browsers that were seeing this
- I can't share the lottie file unfortunately
- We were using the react-lottie package looks like version 1.2.4
- We are using react-google-recaptcha-v3 version 1.9.7, and I am not sure of the configuration, or that I can share it
- We tested it against videos, gifs, images, and the other media options were stable, but both optimized lottie and unoptimized lottie had an increase in error rates